Creating your own Template

The steps required to build a Zen Cart template

Looking to build your own template?

First, before you do that, consider using the Bootstrap4 template, as it has a good modern interface and its colors can be customized directly from the Admin. For more specific customization, its CSS is easy to customize by virtue of using the standards-based Bootstrap framework. It is already mobile-friendly, and has a clean “look” to it.

Other Templates

To get ideas about building your own template, take a look at the other templates available for Zen Cart.

Contributed responsive templates which you can use with your Zen Cart may be found in the Responsive Templates sections in the Zen Cart Plugins Directory.

For reference, you can also view and Legacy Templates, but bear in mind that you will want your final template to be responsive (to look good on mobile devices).

Scaffolding Your Own Template

This is an outline of the steps you should follow:

  1. make a new folder, perhaps something like includes/templates/mary. This is the working area for your own custom template.

  2. make the following subfolders in there:

  3. copy the existing files from the responsive_classic/css and responsive_classic/images into the appropriate folders in your new working area. Also copy the responsive_class/jscript/jscript_framework.php file to your new jscript folder.

  4. copy tpl_header.php from the responsive_classic/common folder. You’ll want to edit this file to incorporate your custom page-header. This file governs the appearance of the top of all of your pages.

  5. copy tpl_footer.php from the responsive_classic/common folder. You can edit the footer area to appear as you like.

  6. While working on #4 and #5 above, you can also modify the css/stylesheet.css file in your working area, to set the styles for your template. You can copy your existing stylesheet into the css folder, making sure it’s named stylesXXXXXXX.css (ie: styles_mine.css). All files in this folder are loaded by your store in alphabetical order, and cascading rules will determine the combination of effects in that order.

  7. The colors for the main area of your site and the sideboxes, etc can be controlled in your stylesheets.

  8. If you need a very different page-layout from the default, you can copy tpl_main_page.php from the responsive_classic/common folder to your common folder, and alter it. This file builds your pages, starting with the header, then the left column of sideboxes, the middle “content” area of the site, then the right column of sideboxes, followed finally by the footer. Thus, by styling this page, you can control the appearance of the whole site. In many cases, you don’t need to touch it though, as much of the control is in the stylesheet already.

  9. Finally, create the template_info.php file in your working template folder. Instructions on creating this file and activating your template can be found in the template_info FAQ.

Still have questions? Use the Search box in the upper right, or try the full list of FAQs. If you can't find it there, head over to the Zen Cart support forum and ask there in the appropriate subforum. In your post, please include your Zen Cart and PHP versions, and a link to your site.

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Last modified January 1, 0001