How do I add links to the Header and Footer?

Putting important links on every page

There are two options for adding additional links to the header and footer of your site.


Additional links requires editing two files; tpl_header.php and tpl_footer.php. You can add internal page links as well external links. We’ll use tpl_header.php in this article, but the same procedures would apply to tpl_footer.php.

Adding an internal page link (let’s use the Contact Us page in this example.)

In your text editor, open includes/templates/YOURTEMPLATE/common/tpl_header.php.

Find the following code:

<!--bof-navigation display-->
<div id="navMainWrapper">
<div id="navMain">
<ul class="back">
<li><?php echo '<?php echo '<a href="' . HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . '">'; ?><?php echo HEADER_TITLE_CATALOG; ?></a></li>

Add the following code just below the last line in the above code.

<?php if (DEFINE_CONTACT_US_STATUS <= 1) { ?>
    <li><?php echo '<a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_CONTACT_US, '', 'SSL') . '">' . BOX_INFORMATION_CONTACT . '</a>'; ?></li>
<?php } ?>

You would add an external link as outlined above.

<li><a href="">External Link Text</a></li>


Make sure the EZ-Pages header or footer are activated in Admin > Configuration > EZ-Pages.

Go to Admin > Tools > EZ-Pages and click the New Page button.

Fill in the Page Title Box (in our example, add Contact Us)

Select Where you want the link to appear:

Header > select Yes and add a Sort Order
Footer > select Yes and add a Sort Order

EZ-Pages header and footer

Scroll down to the Internal Link URL box

Add your link as follows - index.php?main_page=contact_us

EZ-Pages internal link

(You would follow this procedure for whatever page you are adding)

Still have questions? Use the Search box in the upper right, or try the full list of FAQs. If you can't find it there, head over to the Zen Cart support forum and ask there in the appropriate subforum. In your post, please include your Zen Cart and PHP versions, and a link to your site.

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Last modified January 1, 0001