
Creating and customizing template sideboxes


What are Zen Cart sideboxes?

Adding a Link to the Information sidebox

Adding your own links

Build your own sidebox

If the sidebox you want isn’t available, create it yourself

Categories sidebox

Making changes to the Categories sidebox

Display the search box in the header only

How to put the search box at the top of the page

Displaying sideboxes for logged in visitors only

Customizing sidebox display based on customer status

EZ-Pages sidebox

Customizing the Important Links sidebox

How do I add images to a sidebox?

Placing images in a sidebox

How do I change the a sidebox title?

Where are the strings for sidebox titles?

How do I rearrange sideboxes?

Changing sidebox sort order

How do I show my documents in their own sidebox?

For users of Document General product type

Information sidebox

Making changes to the Information sidebox

More Information sidebox

Making changes to the More Information sidebox

Responsive Classic and Sideboxes

How sideboxes are used in the responsive classic template

Suppressing sidebox display on specific pages

Customizing sidebox display based on page

What sideboxes are available?

Displaying content on the sides of a desktop view of my store

Do you have a suggestion for a FAQ? Please post it to General Questions on the support forum.
Last modified January 1, 0001