Price Reductions

How price reductions are displayed

There are a variety of ways products can be discounted in Zen Cart:

Each of these results in a price reduction which is presented in a different way.

Specials and Sales display the reduced price on the listing and product info pages, with the original price shown in strikethrough:

Sale/Special Price Reduction

Quantity Discounts show a reduced price on the shopping cart page and checkout pages as more items are purchased. Here’s a purchase of 1 item, at $15.

Quantity Discounts - purchase 1

Here’s a purchase of 10 of those items, at $13.80.

Quantity Discounts - purchase 10

Order Totals show a discount in the order summary on the checkout payment and checkout confirmation pages. The per-item price is not reduced.

Group Pricing - 10% off

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Last modified January 1, 0001