
Setting Up Categories, Products and Attributes

Attributes - an introduction

Introduction to Zen Cart Attributes

All Products

Listing all products in your store

Attribute Pricing

How to use Zen Cart Attributes to set product pricing

Attributes - adding to products

Creating product variants using attributes

Can a product be listed in more than one category?

Showing a product in multiple places

Category Management in Admin

Adding, Editing, Copying, Moving and Deleting Categories

Category product-type restrictions

Ensuring only one product type can be created in a category

Download delivery methods

How are downloads made available after checkout?

Download folder - Moving

Securing your downloads

Downloadable Products - can they also be shippable?

Configuring Zen Cart Combo Products

Downloadable products - how to create?

Digital downloads - software, music and books

Downloadable products - verifying correctness

Check your downloads after creating them

Downloads - why do they not activate after checkout?

If downloads are not visible to your customers, check here


Creating products from a CSV

Featured Products

Highlighting specific products in your store

How do I add or delete categories?

Organizing products in categories

How do I add or delete products?

Managing products in your store

How do I set up "Music" products for audio-previews?

Playing clips from your music products

How do I turn off the display of the weight?

Weights don’t apply, or I don’t want to show product weights

Is it possible to order fractional quantities?

What to do if your product is not sold in whole units

Linked Product - what is it?

Showing a product in multiple categories

Listing pages

New Products, Featured Products All Products, and Product Listing

Meta Tags

Meta Description, Meta Keywords and other Meta Tags

New Products

Showing off new additions to your store

Price Reductions

How price reductions are displayed

Pricing includes tax

Operating in a VAT or other tax-inclusive environment

Product Editing Screen

The screen for adding and editing products

Product Management in Admin

Adding, Editing, Deleting, Moving and Copying Products

Product Model

Model number or SKU

Product Notifications

Keeping customers up to date about product changes

Product Units

Min and Max Quantities and Units

Products Status

Enabling and Disabling products

Quantity Discounts

How do I offer discounts for bulk purchases?

Required Attributes not working

I want to force a decision - how do I do this?

Sale Products

Reducing the price on a category of products

Single-Valued Attributes

How are single-valued attributes different?

Special Products

Reducing the price on a single product

Start and End Dates

Automatically starting and stopping Sales or Specials

Upcoming Products

Products that will be available in the future

Variable Price Product or Donation

How to let customers set the price of a product

What are the numbers beside the category links?

Enabling or disabling category counts

What does MIXED ON mean?

Ignoring attribute differences when counting products

What is the Product Info page?

The add to cart page

Do you have a suggestion for a FAQ? Please post it to General Questions on the support forum.
Last modified January 1, 0001