Image Configuration

Settings that determine how images appear on your site

FIXME incomplete

These settings are on the Admin > Configuration > Images page.

Name Where Used
Small Image Width
Small Image Height
Heading Image Width - Admin
Heading Image Height - Admin
Subcategory Image Width
Subcategory Image Height
Calculate Image Size
Image Required
Image - Shopping Cart Status Shopping Cart page
Image - Shopping Cart Width Shopping Cart page
Image - Shopping Cart Height Shopping Cart page
Category Icon Image Width - Product Info Pages
Category Icon Image Height - Product Info Pages
Top Subcategory Image Width
Top Subcategory Image Height
Product Info - Image Width product info page
Product Info - Image Height product info page
Product Info - Image Medium Suffix product info page
Product Info - Image Large Suffix product info page
Product Info - Number of Additional Images per Row product info page
Image - Product Listing Width
Image - Product Listing Height
Image - Product New Listing Width New Products Page
Image - Product New Listing Height New Products Page
Image - New Products Width New Products Centerbox
Image - New Products Height New Products Centerbox
Image - Featured Products Width Featured Products Page and Centerbox
Image - Featured Products Height Featured Products Page and Centerbox
Image - Product All Listing Width All Products Page
Image - Product All Listing Height All Products Page
Product Image - No Image Status
Product Image - No Image picture
Image - Use Proportional Images on Products and Categories

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Last modified January 1, 0001