Define Pages Editor

Define pages are pieces of HTML content which display above normal page content for the pages listed below. Define pages may be edited in the admin using the interface provided by this page.

Define Pages Editor gives you an option to change the content of the following pages:

Page Name Define Page File
Ask a Question Page define_ask_a_question.php (since 1.5.7)
Checkout Success Page define_checkout_success.php
Conditions of Use define_conditions.php
Contact Us define_contact_us.php
Discount Coupons define_discount_coupon.php
Index Page (Home Page) define_main_page.php
Page 2 define_page_2.php
Page 3 define_page_3.php
Page 4 define_page_4.php
Page Not Found define_page_not_found.php
Privacy Notice define_privacy.php
Shipping & Returns define_shippinginfo.php
Shopping Cart define_shopping_cart.php (since 1.5.7)
Site Map define_site_map.php

Define Pages Editor

Define pages content and links to define pages may be enabled or disabled in Admin > Configuration > Define Page Status .

Still have questions? Use the Search box in the upper right, or try the full list of FAQs. If you can't find it there, head over to the Zen Cart support forum and ask there in the appropriate subforum. In your post, please include your Zen Cart and PHP versions, and a link to your site.

Is there an error or omission on this page? Please post to General Questions on the support forum. Or, if you'd like to open a pull request, just review the guidelines and get started. You can even PR right here.
Last modified January 1, 0001