Record Artists

Add a recording artist

  • Click on the insert button.
  • Enter the Artist’s name in that field.
  • If you have a picture of the artist you can optionally upload it from your web browser by typing in the name of the file containing the image in the Artists Image field, or click on the browse button to search your computer.
  • If you want to store the picture in a different directory, click on the Image Directory dropdown picker to select it.
  • If the artist has a web site, you can enter the full site name (including http://) in the Artists Web Site field.
  • Click on the save button to save this entry (and upload the image if you have specified one), or click on the cancel button to discard this entry.

Edit an existing artist

  • Click on the name you want to change, then click on the edit button, or click on the green e next to the name you want to change.
  • Change any of the values or you may do an upload, in the same manner as with the add function.
  • Click on the save button to save your changes (and upload the image if you have specified one), or click on the cancel button to discard this change.

Delete a recording artist

  • Click on the name you want to change, then click on the delete button, or click on the red x next to the name you want to change.
  • You will receive a request for confirmation. If you have attached an image to this artist and you also want to delete the attached image file, check the delete image box.
  • Click on the delete button again to delete the artist (and any attached image file if you have checked the delete image box), or click on the cancel button to not delete the artist.

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Last modified January 1, 0001