Converting a plugin to use encapsulation

Note: In Zen Cart 1.5.7, only admin side plugins may be encapsulated. The intention is to support catalog side plugin encapsulation in Zen Cart 1.5.8.

Note For simplicity, files like license.txt, README.txt and docs are omitted; no changes are made to those files, which are not deployed.

Converting an older plugin to use the encapsulated architecture can be done following these steps:

1. Create the plugin’s file hierarchy.

As a general rule, this just means moving the files you currently have in the plugin’s top level folder under a new folder with the name Plugin Name/Version.

For example, the Mod List files, prior to conversion, were:


Note On a live system the admin folder will have been renamed.

These become:


Note It is not necessary to rename admin in the plugin directory hierarchy

2. Add the Manifest

Create a manifest file. In our example, this will be placed in


3. Add the Plugin Installer script

Create an installer script.

In our example, this will be placed in


4. (optional) Create install and uninstall files

If the installer script you created above did not do the SQL operations required by the plugin, you can use plain SQL files.

In our example, these will be placed in


5. Remove old files and update documentation

Once you have put your the admin, includes, etc. folders under zc_plugins, do not duplicate them at the top level for older versions of Zen Cart. Instead, update the README file for your plugin with guidance like:

If you are running a  Zen Cart installation older than 1.5.7, do not copy in the `zc_plugins` folder.  Instead, 
go to the `zc_plugins/YOURPLUGIN/VERSION/` folder and copy the `admin` and `includes` folders to your shopping cart (after renaming the `admin` folder.)

Alternately, you may mark your plugin as “1.5.7 (and above) only.”

6. Final Result

Now the file hierarchy looks like this:


Things to watch for in the conversion

a) Scope of variables in extra_configures and extra_datafiles

In the encapsulated plugin architecture, the files in extra_configures and extra_datafiles are run in the context of the FileSystem class, and therefore any variables created will be scoped into that class and not the global scope.

This means if you have a file that was in admin/includes/extra_configures/my_plugin.php which created a variable (say, $my_list), this variable will not be available to the plugin anymore.

Some options for overcoming this are:

  • Move the logic to a page specific init file.

  • Make the variables into defined constants (which by definition have global scope).

b) Explicit include or require of storefront files


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Last modified January 1, 0001