Displaying Custom Fields

How to show the custom fields you have added to the database

Once you have finished adding a field to the database, you will need to figure out where you want to display it, and write the code to do that. Here are some guidelines.

Case 1: New field in products table

a) Adding the new field to the product_info page:

  • Modify includes/modules/pages/product_info/main_template_vars.php to retrieve the field and create a variable to store it.
  • Modify includes/templates/YOURTEMPLATE/templates/tpl_product_info_display.php to show the variable.

b) Adding the new field to the product listing page:

  • Modify includes/modules/pages/index/main_template_vars.php to retrieve the new field.
  • Modify includes/modules/YOURTEMPLATE/product_listing.php to display the field.

(Some people shortcut this process by skipping the first file and just doing the query in the second file.)

Case 2: New field in orders table

If you add a field to the orders table which is set during order creation, add the field to includes/classes/order.php in the query() method.

Then you can reference it as needed in

  • tpl_account_default.php
  • tpl_account_history_default.php
  • tpl_account_history_info_default.php

On the admin side, you may also wish to reference it in

  • admin/invoice.php
  • admin/orders.php
  • admin/packingslip.php

In the query() method from includes/classes/order.php, add it to whatever array makes sense (info, customer, or delivery), then reference it in any of the files above the same way other fields in that array are referenced.

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Last modified January 1, 0001